Did you know?
...the Puffinus mauretanicus common name is "Balearic Sheerwater"?
... the species Puffinus mauretanicus is endemic to the Balearic Islands (Mediterranean islands near the coast of Spain, to which they belong, and which comprises three major islands - including Majorca - and smaller ones)?
... the Puffinus mauretanicus belongs to the order of Procelariformes characterized by having the nostrils enclosed in tubes located at the nozzle through which excrete salt and long, narrow wings? Habits of birds are pelagic and can only hold the land in order to reproduce?
... the Balearic shearwater, feeds mainly on fish and can also consume squid, including the remains discarded by fishing boats?
... in Europe and Portugal, the Balearic shearwater is conservation status is "critically endangered"?
... among the major threats to the existence of this species are the declining quality, loss of habitat (urban growth) and predation due to introduced species on islands (such as cats and rats) which have their colonies?
...em Portugal, a melhor altura para avistar esta espécie é entre os meses de Maio e início de Junho correspondente aos movimentos pós-nupciais em direcção ao golfo da Biscaya para realizar a muda, e depois de Setembro a Novembro quando regressam ao Mediterrâneo para os locais de nidificação?
... in nesting areas, the Balearic shearwater occupies natural burrows and fissure of rocks?
... Like other procellariiformes, the Balearic shearwater, tends to mate with the same partner and use the same nest for several years?
... The Balearic shearwater, just puts one egg per breeding season and immature tend to return to the same breeding sites?
... if the current threats and adult survival rates continue, it is estimated that world population may become extinct within 40 years?
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