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Life Programe/Natura 2000 Network

SPVS - Sociedade Portuguesa de Vida Selvagem


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The Balearic shearwater (Puffinus mauretanicus) is one of the most threatened seabirds in Europe, since it has a relatively small population, which faces serious threats on land (in Balearic Islands, where it breeds) and at sea (where it spends long periods of time, namely along the Portuguese co...
Since October of 2013 all seagulls recovered in CRAM-Q are released with a blue colour ring, making it possible to followed them by sighting, without the need of recapture.
On the afternoon of April 12th, Life + MarPro was present once more at NEBUA's (Núcleo de Estudantes de Biologia da Universidade do Algarve) talk cycle at the Universidade do Algarve with the presentation "Cetaceans along the Portuguese mainland coast: Species, threats and the importance of loc...
The Life + MarPro project was invited to participate in the "Semana da Ria Formosa" within the activities of the "Fórum Água Jovem 2016" proposed for the morning of April 6th.
Last Saturday, February 27th, by invitation of the Mira Volunteer Fire Department, the LIFE+ MarPro Project was present at the instruction of infants (children between 5 and 15 years old)
The LIFE+ MarPro Project was invited to participate at the "Reading Week" of the School D. Maria II in Famalicão, Braga.
The European Commission has recently published an oficial document on the Natura Projects entitled "Life and new partnerships for Nature Conservation"
In the 8th of February, a juvenile loggerhead sea turtle was found alive inside a fishing net by fishermen. They swiftly removed it from the net and contacted the CRAM-Q (Marine Animals Rehabilitation Center of Quiaios) so the animal could be assisted as soon as possible.
One of the main objectives of the LIFE+ MarPro Project is to elaborate the proposal of new Natura 2000 network offshore areas and their management plans with reference to Phocoena phocoena, Tursiops truncatus andPuffinus mauretanicus.
Yesterday, the LIFE+ MarPro Documentary: A Sea to Protect was screened at the LIFE+ MarPro Workshop: Natura 2000 sites and fisheries.
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Last Modified: 23/02/2016

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