LIFE+ MarPro Award
The main purpose for the LIFE+ MarPro Award, developed under the LIFE+ MarPro, is to find new schemes for fishing gear, in order to reduce bycatch, i.e. real solutions that allow fisherman to be more effective activity, directed to the capture of target species of fishery and with less risk of bycatch of dolphins and seabirds.
After reading the Regulations (in Portuguese), please fill the Application Form and send it back, until May30, 2014 JUNE 15, 2014 by:
- e-mail [email protected] or,
- snail mail to:
a/c Célia Tavares
Departamento de Biologia Universidade do Minho
Campus de Gualtar
4710-057 Braga
Download leaflet (in Portuguese) (?25MB)
Adition to the LIFE+ MarPro Award Regulations (30/07/2014)
According to paragraph 4 of Article 7 of the Regulation if the work appreciated by the jury did not possess an adequate level, the Awards LIFE + MarPro could not be assigned. As the applications submitted did not meet all the required criteria, it was decided to assign only one of the second set awards in the amount of € 5,000.00.
The ranking of candidates was as follows:
?????????Cláudia Correia 180
Joaquim Dias 180
Miguel Paiva 123
André Dias 123
Tiago Rodrigues 80
João Gonçalves 37
Candidates Cláudia Correia and Joaquim Dias are awarded the second prize ex-aequo, which is equivalent to the value of € 2,500.00 to be assigned to each of these candidates.
29 de Agosto de 2014,
A Organização do Prémio MarPro.
Download Candidate Rankings.