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This project is co-funded by the European Union through the LIFE+ Programme and SPVS - Portuguese Wildlife Society.


LIFE+ Programme

LIFE is the European Commission's financial instrument exclusively dedicated to supporting environmental and nature conservation projects. The acronym LIFEcomes from the name in French: L'Instrument Financier de l'Environment. The program was launched in 1992, and in 2007 it became the LIFE+ Program, which will continue until 2013.

The protection of the environment is a key element for the EU's sustainable development, and therefore is a priority for community co-financing. The projects financed by LIFE+ must contribute to the specific objectives of its three theme environments: Nature and Biodiversity, Environmental Governance Policies, and Information and Communication.

Links de Interesse:
LIFE+ Programme


Natura 2000

Natura 2000 Natura 2000 is the centrepiece of EU nature & biodiversity policy. It is an EUwide network of nature protection areas established under the 1992 Habitats Directive. The aim of the network is to assure the long-term survival of Europe's most valuable and threatened species and habitats. It is comprised of Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) designated by Member States under the Habitats Directive, and also incorporates Special Protection Areas (SPAs) which they designate under the 1979 Birds Directive. Natura 2000 is not a system of strict nature reserves where all human activities are excluded. Whereas the network will certainly include nature reserves most of the land is likely to continue to be privately owned and the emphasis will be on ensuring that future management is sustainable, both ecologically and economically.The establishment of theis network of protected areas also fulfills a Community obligation under the UN Convention on Biological Diversity. More Information


SPVS - Portuguese Wildlife Society

SPVS - Portuguese Wildlife Society, began functioning in the year of 2000 (officially since 2003) and formalizes the coordination between several entities working in the field of Wildlife related sciences. This scientific society is constituted by researchers of diverse nationalities, singular or collective, that exercise, or support activities in conservation and management of wildlife, environment and in similar scientific areas.


Read this project's Actions.


Last Modified: 29/04/2013

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