Workshop LIFE+ MARPRO: Redes de arrojamentos e de reabilitação de animais marinhos
If you're looking for information about the LIFE+ MarPro Workshop: Natura 2000 sites and fisheries websiteplease follow the link to workshop website.
We would like to thank all the people who presented their work and participated in the workshop on Marine Animals Stranding and Rehabilitation Networks organized by the MARPRO LIFE project.
For cetacean and seabird species it is necessary to define future areas of conservation within the Portuguese EEZ. Research data highlighted the Portuguese platform as an important oceanographic area interconnecting the North Atlantic, Mediterranean and subtropical areas.
Furthermore, for some species of cetaceans (harbour porpoise, bottlenose dolphin and common dolphin) and seabirds (gannet, guillemot and shearwaters) the direct competition for commercial fishes in coastal waters ofthe continental shelf is a reality. Joining efforts with the fishing sector is fundamental to the management and long-term conservation of cetaceans and seabirds, and ultimately it will contribute to the definition of offshore Natura 2000 Network sites.
The project LIFE+ MARPRO is co-financed by the LIFE programme as a result of a partnership between the Aveiro University, Minho University, SPEA, IPIMAR and ICNB.
It is our pleasure to invite you to the MARPRO Workshop: "Stranding and Marine Animal Rehabilitation Networks" which will take place at the Figueira da Foz Municipal Auditorium, Figueira da Foz, Portugal, from the 2nd to the 5th of June, 2012.
The 2nd of June 2012 will be dedicated to celebrating a "LIFE 20 years" event, to the presentation of the Life MARPRO project and to a live cetacean stranding simulacrum at the beach.
The next days will be directed to the technical and scientific community. Several Portuguese and foreign rehabilitation and research centres will present their work.
This workshop will be held under the LIFE+ MARPRO Project framework, which is co-financed by the LIFE Programme of the European Comission.
There is no participation fee, but if you would like to attend the workshop please register using the Registration Form. You should receive a confirmation email. If you haven't yet please try again or contact us.
Download final program (01/06/2012) (in Portuguese)
Confirmed speakers:
- Pascual Calabuig (Centro de Rehabilitación de Fauna Silvestre de Tafira, Gran Canaria)
- Mariano Domingo (CRESA-Centre de Recerca en Sanitat Animal, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
- Paulien Bunskoek (Dolfinarium Harderwijk & SOS Dolfijn, The Netherlands)
- Marina Sequeira (ICNB)
- Luís Freitas (Museu da Baleia, Madeira)
- João Loureiro (ICNB)
- Hugo Lopes (RIAS)
- Dário Cardador (CRASSA)
- Pedro Melo (CRASSA)
- Vanessa Soeiro (Parque Biológico de Gaia)
- António Acuña (Centro de Recuperación de Fauna Silvestre de Cotorredondo)
- Ana Duarte (CIISA/Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária de Lisboa)
- Juan I. Díaz D'Silva (CEMMA-SGHN)
- Alfredo López (CESAM e CEMMA)
- Josep Alonso (CESAM e CEMMA)
- Maria Llarena (CESAM e CEMMA)
- Salvador Mascarenhas (CRAMQ e VetCondeixa)
- Carolina Bento (CRAMQ e CIISA)
- Nuno Pereira (Oceanário de Lisboa)
- Ana Filipa Sousa (RACA)